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About FSL

The objective of the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) is to provide a well-equipped laboratory in a safe environment for better education, research work, and experiments at Central Police University (CPU).
The missions of the FSL include the maintenance of experimental apparatuses, management of materials for forensic experiments, and the providing of technological information for staffs of CPU. The FSL consists of three main sections: Integration Section, Physical Section, and Biochemical Section. The director of the FSL is in charge of the following committees: Bio-safety Committee, Forensic Science Research Committee, Committee of Operation and Management for Toxicological Chemistry, and Animal Manipulation Treatment Committee.
Future Tasks:
1. To improve hardware and software apparatuses for biological, physical, and chemical laboratories, based on professional principles and SOP.
2. To promote the service quality of the Forensic Science Research Committee.
3. To preserve a safe environment for experiments and research work.
4. To improve environment for experiments and research work.
5. To establish a management system for experimental materials.
6. To assist the processing of classes, research work, and experiments
7. To provide forensic science knowledge and information to the public.
8. To promote the service quality of the FSL.
9. To publish the journal “Forensic Science Review” for promoting the reputation of our institution for research quality and internationalization.