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2018 Crime Investigation and Forensic Science Symposium

publish date : 2018-10-31
Central Police University (College of Police Science and Technology, Department of Criminal Investigation, Department of Forensic Science, Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science Research Center) has collaborated with Taiwan Academy of Forensic Science, The Henry C. Lee Forensic Science Foundation, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Ministry of the Interior, and Rotary Club of Taipei Yenpin to host “2018 Crime Investigation and Forensic Science Symposium” at the Central Police University on September 21, 2018.

The main goal of this year’s symposium is to facilitate exchanges between criminal investigators and forensic scientists for sharing practical experiences. In recent years, the demand for the quality of scientific evidence has increased significantly, and various law enforcement agencies are also striving to uplift the standards of forensic science! Advanced criminal investigation technology and comprehensive forensic mechanism are set to play a vital role in the justice system in the future, therefore the former President of Judicial Yuan Hao-min Lai was invited to present a speech on “Forensic Science and Criminal Trials.”

Besides the publishing of research papers by scholars and experts from various academics and institutions, an result presentation of the 4-year project (“Forensic Technology Advancement and Service Improvement” implemented by the Central Police University and Criminal Investigation Bureau, Ministry of the Interior from 2015 to 2018) is organized. For the two aspects of the aforementioned symposium, a total of 74 papers (40 narrated dissertations, 9 technology program achievements, 25 dissertation posters) encompassing fields such as firearm examination, forensic biology, forensic chemistry, forensic physics, forensic medicine, digital & multimedia sciences, crime scene investigation, and general topics that are considered important in Taiwan and abroad. The papers fully embody the close association between the theoretical and practical nature of criminal investigation and forensic science.

In the era of rapid technological development, criminal methods are also becoming more innovative, in turn presenting investigators and forensic scientists with an unforeseeable challenge. In the future, the Central Police University and fellow law enforcement officers will endeavor to uphold the spirit of lifelong learning and ongoing research to explore and develop new criminal investigation and forensic technology in order to protect people’s rights and maintain justice!
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